terça-feira, 4 de outubro de 2011


Today I’m going to talk a little bit about my experience in Banff.
After studying in Toronto for three months, I decided to start working and I found a job in Banff, a very small town west of Canada, near Calgary. Banff’s economy is entirely based on tourism so I found a good job on a Resort over there.
It was just unbelievable! I had one of the best times of my life! I worked as a waitress on banquets and in the hotel’s restaurant so it was kind of an easy job, not much responsibility, no assignments, no taking working home. At that time, in that place, was the perfect job for me.
The city is suuuuper cute. It is really small, but has lots of good places to visit, to eat, to drink. My favorite place there is the gondola, where you can see the rocky mountains from the top (see picture in he end of the post). It is really amazing. One funny thing about Banff is that I’ve never met someone who was from there. Everybody in town comes from somewhere else to work and make god money. It is also funny that, because it is a small town, the person you saw on Sundays going crazy on the most popular club there (Aurora) was the same person attending you on Safeway or McDonalds.
The cities near Banff, like Lake Louise and Jasper are also beautiful and worth visiting.
That’s all for now. See you!

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